Hi,....Have you ever wondered what it takes to get into WH40k?
What it feels like to get involved? To collect an army? To play? And ultimately take part in a tournament?
Well I can safely say that I can, and will answer all of the above questions, if, you can bear with me just a little.
My name is Anthony Griffin. I am Maltese. I am 47 (going on 48) years old. And I have been an avid collector/painter/gamer for these past 21years (I have all the White Dwarfs to prove it). And man does this hobby get you hooked. I say it is my hobby, but really it is a way of life. I mean, I have built my life around it. Believe me it is that addictive.
It all started one fateful day in June of 1990, I went into a certain model shop just to browse around (while I was waiting for my girlfriend to finish shopping in a store close by). I saw a few people milling around a table throwing dice feverishly, some were shouting joyfully, while others were visible pale and groaning absently. I asked one of the guys around this table, which I knew, what was happening. He replied ' They're playing Warhammer 40,000.'
While they were playing this guy was trying to explain what was happening as best he could, as he was not a gamer himself. One of the gamers overheard me asking and made everything clear. The good guys(Space Marines) were bashing the bad guys(Chaos Space Marines) over a beautifully modeled battlefield. COOOOOOLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hanged around till the battle ended, and asked when another will be held. The Eldar had just come out and I immediatly bought my first White Dwarf 126, and my first models. The rest as they say is history.
As I promised in my last post, here is my 500pts. fledgling force. Due to the fact that you must have 2 Troops and 1 H.Q., my points go as follows:
Space Marine Captain Antares-with Terminator armour, Thunder hammer and
Storm shield. = 170pts
Tactical Squad Bryce-(9space marines+sergeant) with Power armour, Boltguns,
Bolt pistols, Frag & Krak grenades, 1 Flamer, 1 Missile launcher, 1 Power fist = 195pts
Razorback Ironhide-with twin-linked Heavy bolters, Smoke launchers,
Searchlight. = 40pts
Scout Squad-with Scout armour, Bolt pistols, Frag & Krak grenades,
Combat knife, 1 Power sword. = 90pts
Total 495pts
I tend to split my Tactical Squad into two 5 strong Combat Squads, the Flamer goes with the sergeant in the Razorback.(this is my close combat Squad). The Missile launcher and the rest (this is my shooting Squad), stay back to pour covering fire for my close combat squad and my scouts.
Below I have inserted a photo of Captain Antares.
I usually use my scouts to hold objectives, or as a close combat support for any of my other squads. Never underestimate the scouts' close combat prowess. They can dish out 3 attacks each on charge, plus 4 attacks from the sergeant with a power sword. Also they can be used to wipe out remanants of larger squads. Below I have inserted a picture of my Scout Squad ably led by sergeant Kramer.
Below is a picture of Tactical Squad Bryce and another of Razorback Ironhide.
I painted this Razorback black then heavily drybrushed with Charadon Granite. Then picked out the details with Tausept Ochre, and highlighted with Bubonic Brown. Not Imperial Fists tradition I know, but it certainly complements the rest of the army. As you can see below.
I also modelled an objective marker, a sort of grave for a fallen hero.
My next 500pts. will included a 5 strong Terminator Squad, (Torian), and a complete squad of Devastators, (Mortigan). Pictures of Squad Torian will be posted in a week's time.
Hi dude, great post. I stumbled on your post while looking up Imperial Fist stuff. I'm new to 40k and thats what my blogs about, check it out.